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WordTracker - keyword suggestonWholesale Dropshipping Programs
What is Dropshipping?
Dropshipping is a unique business opportunity where retail outlets have the ability to sell catalog or virtual catalog items from a supplier without having to handle the merchandise.
Benefits of Dropshipping
Dropshipping programs allow a proficient internet advertiser to sell other people's products to consumers with little to no hassle. Many of these programs are free. The dropshipper provides the equipment and dropshipping service to its partners usually without a fee. All you have to figure out is advertising, a method to collect money, a product to sell, and the prices to sell the dropshipping items at (remember to add postage.)
Fake Dropshipping Companies
A large number of places sell partial lists of dropshipping sources. Some places even attempt to charge you money to give you access to dropshipping their inventory. It is important to stay away from ingenuine dropshipping companies.
Real Dropshipping Companies
Important notes to find a real dropshipping company:
- You should not be charged a fee by your dropshippng company just to obtain the ability to dropship their products.
- Your dropshipping company should not also retail the products, if they do, they should provide you with a considerable discount when you buy the products.
- A real dropshipping company will ship to you or your customer.
Dropship Source Directory
OK, now how do I find good dropshipping sources? I purchased access to the Dropship Source Directory. It costs $59.95 for the first six months and $19.95 for each additional 6 months if you chose to continue service. There were at least a half dozen exclusive specialty and organic candle providers to give you an idea about the size of the Dropship Source Directory.
Chris Malta is a wholesaling guru, and this list is constantly updated with the freshest dropshipping sources by human editors after each source has been reviewed and accredited.
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