"I was thinking about you all day today and what a great
person you are."
"I wanted to be #1...After 2 months I reached the top position for my most
popular keywords."

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WordTracker - keyword suggeston"Dear Aaron thank you for all your help you are great."
"Hi Aaron, thanks for all you are doing for me. I was thinking
about you all
day today and what a great person you are. If you need any amazing photos
of sea scapes, sun rises and sunsets for your sites let me know. Also,
if you need any photos taken of you or anything specific for your sites
I will
gladly help you at no cost to you."
"Hi Aaron thank you for all your efforts."
"Hi Aaron, you are fast, everything looks and works great. The page you made is a work of art. Today I went riding with two friends and my friend John needs help on the web, should I give him your Phone #?"
"Any time you are ready we'll take photos."
I went to see his daughter's play on opening night. He did take my picture too! He also posted a pic of me on his NYC actors headshots page. Gregory took me out to Sandy Hook and I am the kid with the bricks in the background. His son said I shoud go into acting...you never know.
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