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Using Your Assets to Your Advantage

07 February 2005

The Keyword Rich URL

Using keywords in your URL makes it easier to gain links with your keywords in the link text, but for longterm success brand is exceptionally important. Your root URL effects your linkage data, but you can have a brandable URL and still manage to acquire descriptive anchor text.

Contradicting SEO Tips

It may seem that all SEOs give conflicting data. Some may even put out conflicting information with their own past articles.

In the past I have stated that keyword rich URLs are often a good thing, but you also need to consider brand development. As search gets more advanced eventually you may need solid brand and reputation to reap large profits.

7 and 3/8 Inch

I have a friend I consider my mentor. I recently asked him a question about this site. Every time I ask him about ANYTHING which relates to this site I can't even mention the domain without getting a 7 and 3/8 reply.

A 7 and 3/8 inch hat is one which is rarely worn. It is something that just does not fit.

This domain name is not one that can possibly establish a strong brand. It is keyword rich, but it is just not memorable.

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That is not the specific URL that was used, but recently a former major league baseball player contacted me asking me about his website. He had a 7 and 3/8 inch URL.

Something nobody wants to wear. Something nobody will ever remember.

Being a former major leaguer is a huge competitive advantage. Imagine if he told stories, gave tips, and tracked baseball with a blog.

What would happen if he gave away free autographed baseball cards and personally answered lots of baseball questions?

If I were a former major leaguer I certainly would use my name as my domain and brand the hell out of it.

My Personal Name

I created a personal blog before I got too big into SEO. It is a rather self absorbed blog.

The domain name is AaronWall.com, but I also jokingly put Professor of Peanut Butter in the home page title and in a H1 tag on the home page. Sure enough people started to link to me with peanut butter in the link text and I started ranking in the top 20 for peanut butter.

Some sites will also allow you to control your anchor text. You can get keyword rich anchor text if you work hard enough at it, but for most people longterm success requires brand development.

So long as I have this horrible URL this site's success will only be a fraction of what it could be.

If You Spent a Decade in the Majors...

say so. Brand your site as who you are. No matter what your path in life you have some competitive advantages.

Certainly a keyword rich domain can be another one of those, but don't do it at the expense of wearing a 7 and 3/8 inch ball cap.

- by Aaron Wall, owner of Search Marketing Info

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