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November 4, 2004
Can You Help Me Promote My Site?
Many times webmasters contact SEOs with unreal expectations and a basic lack of understanding of how competitive SEO can be. Because of this sometimes they end up talking to SEOs and offering them inadequate pay for their performance. When the conversation ends it does not mean that the SEO will remain uninterested in the idea.
Problems SEOs Face
Once a person has adequate understanding of SEO and a small stack of cash they can keep reinvesting into new websites and business ideas. One of the biggest problems which face many SEOs is that there is too much opportunity.
If you could promote and profit from just about anything in the world how do you chose what you should promote?
The Problem with Hello
I have had people reveal their entire business models to me in emails. Before people even hear my voice some people are entirely comfortable telling me exactly where they feel opportunity exists. And exactly how to extract those profits.
Many SEOs partner up with local businesses or product distributors and create sites based on ideas prospective clients gave them.
No matter what you do when you contact other webmasters you could be giving them marketing ideas. Some common ways marketers can look for current good SEO marketing ideas:
- be easily accessible and have many people request your services.
- run a directory (or many directories). look at what types of sites are being submitted.
- read forums.
- have blogs that are easily spamable by scripts. or look through the blacklists to see what markets are being spammed.
- refresh pages from sites participating in community link exchange programs. keep refreshing until you find a good site idea.
- track of buzz in social networks
- track search volume changes
- have amazing knowledge about a particular market segment
The Problems with Staying Quiet
- Due to current search engine link analysis algorithms you will need cooperation from other webmasters to achieve high rankings for competitive terms in organic search results. To be exceptionally successful you may need the help of many webmasters.
- If you do not seek feedback from others then your business will evolve at a slower rate than your competition.
The Root Problem
Most websites are rubbish with nothing original, unique, or useful to them. As you talk to more people you may be creating more potential competitors.
The Solution
If your site has no competitive advantage over someone new to your field then you probably want to work on building something that is not easily reproducible so that when you are trying to market your site you are not creating a ton of competition for yourself.
Most people will not want to jump into the online auction space if you have already created a powerful brand like eBay. What can you do to make your site impossible to reproduce?
- by Aaron Wall, owner of Search Marketing Info
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