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Above The Fold!

We Value Privacy

Using the Internet to Change Social Policy

February 2004

"Well I tell them there's no problem, only solutions" - John Lennon

Everyone has a Problem

There is no such thing as fair. There are some things which are exceptionally screwed up though. Many people watch their filtered media through the TV and call that life.

It's not.

Occasionally these same people will be searching for information on the internet. You can express yourself and teach them about injustices you have seen or know about.

There are Solutions

Many people point out problems and offer no solutions. This has little to no value. We are all human. We are all in error.

Here is an example of problems and solutions.

I was in the navy and I did not fuse well with that lifestyle. If one looks on paper they would never hear my voice or know why I left the navy.

Problems: I seen a ton of poor leadership and was having real problems coping with the submarine lifestyle. Any feedback I provided to my chain of command was blatantly ignored.

Solution: Learn how effective business models have feedback loops. Point out the fact to society that the military has no honest feedback loops.

Explain how the evaluation system should have input from piers and the people one level under a supervisor. These additional inputs into the evaluation system will hold accountability both ways. At the very least the supervisors of supervisors would become aware of the problems existing below him.

Goal: Successful businesses have open communication channels. The navy does not. In due time I hope to help change this to lower the suicide rate (and the rate at which people get kicked out for using drugs) in the navy.

Why My Idea Has Not Spread

There are many reasons a message can spread quickly. The social context of the message and its transfer medium are as important as the goal of the message.

I have not yet reached many people with my idea because I have not actively pursued that goal yet. In my estimation I am eventually going to be a good author who writes a book about the problems I saw in the submarine community and how it is not a good business.

Before I can successfully do that I need to make sure I have built a reputation for being an extremely successful business myself. I keep writing articles and getting inbound links. For what it is worth, my reputation is growing every day.

Eventually I will make videos similar to the Apple Ipod video referenced below to spread my ideas.

Another Problem I Have

My existence in the navy had brought me to suicidal depression. I learned an amazing amount about depression and how people cure it. Generally we ignore environmental feedback, social feedback, diet, and exercise to fight it with prescription drugs.

This is the dumbest thing I have ever heard of. I bet you do not need to think of many people to find a relative or friend that is on a prescription drug to fight depression. If we looked for the problem versus placing a band aid on a symptom it would be easier to cure the depression.

Finding honest feedback on these drugs is HARD. Thus I created Depression Blog to collect feedback. Of course I am slowly optimizing the site and will aim to make the data easier to find every day.

If you want to help spread the idea feel free to link to the site.

Ideas Which Have Spread

These are a couple ideas which have quickly spread through the social fabric of the web.

  • The Meatrix - consumer advocacy group aiming to stop the corporate farming machine.
  • Neistat Brothers - Apple Ipod had batteries un replaceable batteries that only last 18 months. and they got results
  • Your idea here?

- by Aaron Wall, owner of Search Marketing Info

We Value Privacy
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