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Top Ten Listing Guaranteed

How Much do Listings Cost?

Some places charge a few hundred dollars to guarantee you top ten listings. I myself, having achieved some top ten listings in competitive categories, realize that achieving a top ten listing is frequently more than a few hundred dollars worth of work.

I usually charge many hundred dollars per month or a one time fee over $1,000 to optimize a website.

My Past Top Ten Listing Purchase

I was sucker enough to buy the top ten listing services off of one of these guys clowns before I was aware of what they did. They optimized my top ten listing page for things like "brown bananas that grow underwater from the octopus treetops." Nobody searches for that, unless you want to be a first. For the term brown bananas that grow underwater from the octopus treetops I guarantee this page will be in the top ten listing results after it has been spidered.

Top Ten Google Test Search

Results of Their Top Ten Rankings

When they were done doing SEO on my site I went to Overture and reviewed search frequency. I saw about 200 clicks/ month (and only 3 of the top the listing terms in the group even listed as being searched for) between all the terms they had me listed in the top ten under. I have been told a good thumb rule to use is that Overture listing results are about 7% of the overall internet searches. I recognized doing the math that this would probably work out to less than 200 clicks a month. Any price for those clicks would be too much to pay. Every click counts, but 10 cents a click (paid a year in advance) for words that were not even highly targeted is not a good deal. Since they were inept and took 2 weeks to perform that inadequate top ten listing guarantee service (that they Guaranteed me Top ten Listings in one week), I demanded a full refund. From that day forward any internet optimization any of my sites have seen has been by me.

How Unethical SEO Firms Get Your Top Ten Listings

(What they did to fulfill the top ten listing guarantee.)

  • submitted my site to Inktomi (which supplies backup listings to many other sites and is the primary for Hotbot, also backs up Overture and MSN)
  • change the meta keywords tag and description tag to words that people were not actively searching for
  • changed the file names of a few of my pictures
  • change the associated image ALT tags to things they were not
  • copied the meta description at the top and bottom of my page
  • he also had me create a file that was named the same name as one of his bad keywords then link between the two using the same text each way
  • I asked him if that was ok then what was to prevent me from duplicating the same page over and over, changing only the title name
  • he liked that idea and the idea of me placing the same meta tag on every page for uniformity - this is the most stupiderest thing ever - and that's not even a word

Signs of Bad Search Engine Optimization

If you are not sure who problem SEO people are here are some things to be Leary of (as if your name was Timothy)

  • anyone who does not communicate with you throughout the process
  • anyone who promises prompt results, good top ten listings typically take months to occur
  • anyone promising you top ten listing without seeing your site (especially for only a few hundred dollars)
  • anyone who does their traffic generation for your site using off site pages (when you stop paying the traffic goes away)
  • anyone who uses invisible text
  • anyone who's main change is only to the meta tag and they do not have you change the page itself
  • anyone who recommends the arbitrary creation of new files
  • also check to be sure that they are not using cloning or cloaking

In no way was he interested in helping me out, he just wanted money. Presto, that is the formula for wasting money on awful SEO. The dirtbag even put "expires on" meta tags in my head. This would cause spiders to stop indexing my pages down the road if they actually followed the tag.

Not All SEO's are Bad

There are amazingly good professionals in this same market though. I like to think that I help solve more problems than I create. If you would like advice on your site please contact me. I believe in the most direct marketing techniques. If I provide you with a quality service for free, or at a rate well below market value then likely you will tell others and eventually my popularity will grow. It has been working so far and I see no reason for it to stop!

Some legitimate SEO firms offer top ten ranking guarantees, but you should do your homework before buying SEO services from anyone. I also believe you should at least talk over the phone with any partner whom you are going to be investing large sums of money in. View some of my top ten listings.

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Today is 03/11/25 . This file was last modified on 05/11/13