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Search Engine Algorithms

Search Engine Agendas

Many people believe that search engines have hidden agenda or promote certain thing that stop their sites from being listed. This impurity as a whole would cause the search engine to have low popularity since the search results would be biased and likely highly inaccurate. For this reasons each search engine tries to keep competitive high quality search results.

Search Engines Emulate Users

The role of a search engine is to emulate a user. Simply put, the job of a search engine to to index the web and provide high quality relevant content to fulfill the users desires. While each search engine is different, they all have the same goal: to be the best.

Google VS Other Search Engines

If you chase after profits, it will show in the results. Google has displayed a far deeper understanding of this than many of its piers. For that, Google has received praise and has won the hearts and minds of the general public. In all reality, links are important, as they are one of the fundamental basis the web was built on. It would be foolish to think that the other search engines were not good though. Grading web sites on links is one of the ways Google has helped to provide high quality web results. Link evaluation allows the web as a whole to decide what pages are the best.

Search Engine Algorithms are Kept Secret

Many people try to optimize a page based on exact algorithms of the search engines. To protect themselves, search engines have been active in using off site criteria to rank web pages. Here are a few search engine algorithm facts:

  • Anyone who knew the exact search engine algorithm would not be selling the information cheaply over the web.
  • Search engines change their algorithms many times each month to fight off "spam."
  • If people knew the exact algorithm then they could manipulate rankings as they please until the search results became so irrelevant that the search engine became junk.
  • Search engine algorithms are some of the most tightly kept secrets in the world for this reason.
  • Entire businesses, and businesses which spawn of those businesses which spawn off of those exist solely because of these search engine algorithms. You are reading one of them.

Facts About Search Engine Algorithm Secrets

Anyone who tells you they know a major search engine algorithm is probably a profit driven liar. If you are optimizing pages based solely on algorithms then you do not have the end user in mind. The single most important element in effective search engine optimization is linkage data. Pages which are written solely for search engines do not convert customers and do not inspire inbound links, and that's no secret!

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