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America Online (AOL)

No B/S AOL SEO Tips:

AOL is powered by Google. If you rank well in Google you will usually also rank well in AOL. I do not focus any effort on optimizing for AOL, but consider any AOL traffic as a bonus for ranking well in Google.

AOL does have some of their own custom filters and modifies some of the search queries. For example, AOL took George Bush out of the search results for "miserable failure." Also their index may lag the Google search index.

One special caveat to consider with AOL is that they have a significantly different user base than Google does. When purchasing Google AdWords ads you should consider the user groups when deciding whether or not the ads should be syndicated to other search sites. B2B products tend to do better on Google and B2C products tend to perform well on AOL.

About AOL

AOL is not actually a search engine, but an internet service provider and a portal. AOL currently use Google to power AOL search. Recently AOL purchased SingingFish to add to its search offering. SingingFish is considered the leading multimedia streaming search engine.

AOL ranks behind Google, Yahoo, and MSN in terms of search reach, but AOL searchers typically search longer than any other web searcher, making AOL the second most popular search in terms of total time searching. (from Jan 2003 Neilson Netratings)

To list well in AOL you need to list well in Google. The internal AOL search has access to some internal information which in not available through other searches.


Search AOL
AOL search enhanced by Google

AOL recently signed a multi year deal, extending Google as its search provider.

How to list in AOL: free get links from sites listed in Google or submit your site to DMOZ or Google paid Google AdWords paid multimedia search SingingFish

AOL provides results for:

AOL is a portal powered by other search providers

AOL is powered by:

Google - primary search provider
SinginingFish - multimedia search provider (AOL owns SiningFish)
Google AdWords - provides ads
DMOZ - provides directory results

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Today is 03/29/25 . This file was last modified on 05/11/13