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No B/S Earthlink SEO Tips:
Earthlink is powered by Google. Rank well in Google and you will rank well in Earthlink. I look at any traffic from Earthlink as a bonus to the traffic I get from doing well in Google.
About Earthlink
Earthlink was founded in March of 1994 by Sky Dayton. In 1995 they were
one of the first ISP's to sell service at a flat rate ($19.95). Since
Earthlink has survived the dot com meltdown and merged with Mindspring.
Earthlink is one of the few pure ISP's still around. They offer a portal
for their web users which is a significant amount of traffic, in addition
they keep their users using their search by introducing one of the first
toolbars with a popup
Currently Earthlink is one of many US portals with search powered by Google. To list well in Earthlink you must list well in Google.
How to list in Earthlink: free get links from sites listed in Google or submit your site to DMOZ or Google paid Google AdWords
Earthlink provides results for:
Earthlink is a portal powered by Google
Earthlink is powered by:
Google - primary
search provider
Adwords - provides ads
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