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No B/S Excite SEO Tips:
Excite is a meta search engine which extracts its search results from other search engines. Ranking well in some of the major search engines will help you also rank well in Excite. I do not actively optimize sites for Excite, but view any Excite traffic as a free bonus for ranking well elsewhere.
About Excite
News: Excite was one of many search properties purchased by Ask Jeeves in the early part of 2004.
Excite was well received at launch back in 1995. It enjoyed such popularity that it was quickly able to buy out two of its competitors in 1996 (Magellan & Webcrawler). By 2001 it was clear that Excite was falling behind the search game. InfoSpace purchased Excite in November of 2001 and ArchitextSpider (the Excite spider) was laid to rest. On your Excite account they allow you to personalize your Excite home page. Personalization is apparently a niche they were going after.
Excite is now a meta crawler powered by InfoSpace, which has a heavy bias toward paid Overture listings.
Since Excite is mostly a meta search you can get listed by being listed in some of the search engines that Excite scours.
If you would like to have guaranteed inclusion into the Excite network, Excite has a paid inclusion program set up with Enhance Interactive. This inclusion also offers listings in many of Excites partner sites such as Dogpile, Verision, NBC, MetaCrawler and Webcrawler. Excite also offers volume discount if you want to list multiple URL's from your site. I do not recommend using their paid inclusion service to most websites though.
How to list in Excite: Free: list in major search engines paid: Excite paid inclusion (paid inclusion is not recommended for most websites) Overture Google AdWords
Excite Powers
Excite is a search site powered through meta search technology. Excite does not have its own search engine.
Excite is Powered by
many different search engines via InfoSpace
Overture - provides
and is heavily weighted ads in the search results
Google AdWords
- provides and is heavily weighted ads in the search results
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