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The Truth About Site Submission
In all honesty I do not even submit any of my websites to search engines. They follow links from other sites to find my sites. Spiders are called spiders because they follow links, that is what they "get paid to do." Search engines prefer to find websites by following links. Google + Yahoo! power over 90% of US web search. Free manual search submission for those search engines is provided below. There is no reason to buy submission software. The stuff is a complete waste of money.
Building Links for Site Submission
The best way to get a site submitted is by having a search engine spider follow a link. Directories frequently offer links for free or a one time low price. Participating in discussion forums will also provide links into yor website. Here is some more information on directories and link building.
*For ease of use and reuse of our free manual website submission page all off site links and site submission boxes are set to open in a new window. All forms below are free manual website submission boxes for the respective search engines.
If You Have Submission Problems:
The value of this free web site submission service is that I have it current and its free. Please help by emailing us with "free website submission" in the subject line if you run into any problems while here. If you need indexed in a hurry or want to index complex dynamic website pages, consider a paid website submission programs. This web site submission page was kept small to keep it manageable. If you would like to submit to any other search engines or any of the web directories follow the links and learn how to.
Free Web Site Submission |
Search Engine Submission Pages |
Google powers Go, AOL, Netscape & Many other sites. |
Yahoo! owns AltaVista, Inktomi, and AllTheWeb. Between Yahoo! and its sister products it powers: Yahoo!, MSN, Lycos, AllTheWeb, AltaVista, About Network, and many other sites. |
Teoma is the only major crawler without a free site submit option | Teoma Powers Teoma + Ask Jeeves websites. |
Smaller, but still
a cool engine... |
GigaBlast: - quality search engine quietly developed by Matt D Wells. |
Gigablast is instant indexing |
Submission via Paid Inclusion Programs
Also consider search engine paid inclusion programs to deliver quick indexing of your web page. I only recommend this for sites with technical issues, rapidly rotating stock, a soon comming deadline, or sites which need to track their click costs and traffic.
These services are provided by Yahoo!, Excite, & Teoma. Google does not have a paid submission program. Subscribe to Ask Jeeves, Yahoo! (also known as Overture Site Match), or InfoSpace.
Directory Submission + Other Search Engines
Again, please note there are many other search engines and directories to draw traffic from, but we only listed the top search engines. Most good search engines will need a large database to be able to create a relevent algorithm. Eventually good search engines will follow links into your site. I am currently building a directory of directories at Directory Archives.com.
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