"I was thinking about you all day today and what a great
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"I wanted to be #1...After 2 months I reached the top position for my most
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WordTracker - keyword suggestonJunk Paid Inclusion Search Engines & Directories
Most Search Engine Sites are Not Worth a Dime
Many sites that charge for submission include your site in a dynamic indexed which is not processed by external sites. If this index does power a bunch of traffic then a listing in it is probably worthless.
A few larger search engines offer paid inclusion programs which may be worth using, but anything that says "submit to everyone" or something like that is a complete waste of money.
Larger Paid Inclusion Search Engines
Yahoo! Paid Inclusion | Yahoo! search engine info |
Teoma/Ask Jeeves Paid Inclusion | Teoma search engine info |
InfoSpace Paid Inclusion | InfoSpace search engine info |
Paid Inclusion in Directories
I cover many human edited directories in the directories part of this site. When paying for inclusion into directories make sure they provide static links. In addition you will want to ensure the directory is one that people actually use or one with high link value before spending money on inclusion.
Before Paying for Inclusion
Before spending hundreds of dollars on paid inclusion make sure your site is properly optimized for the keywords you are interested in. It is also important to realize that all links are important when building a linking campaign, but a good link might be worth 10000 or 1000000 bad ones. Some links actually hurt you. Free for all pages and other low quality links do very little to aid in building link popularity.
Paid Inclusion Questions
Paid inclusion to Yahoo! or one of the other major algorithmically based search engines may help you optimize your site by providing a quick feedback loop. Most paid inclusion programs are not worth buying. When in question ask me and I will state my opinion on any given paid inclusion program that I know about. If I do not know about it, it probably has little relevance to what you are trying to do with your paid inclusion dollars.
Related Paid Inclusion Pages
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