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Free Download eBooks and Literature

The internet was created to allow the free flow of information. Is it any doubt then that over time free books and articles arrive.

I am starting this list off with just a couple books. Please contact me if there is something that should be here that is not.

As We May Think - An article written in the July 1945 issue of The Atlantic Monthly. Vannevar Bush created the concept of the memex (memory extension) and the idea of a hyper linked society. One of my favorite quotes came from this article. "Presumably man's spirit should be elevated if he can better review his shady past and analyze more completely and objectively his present problems."

Cluetrain Manifesto - A copywriting book which will show why you will be more successful online than your boss is.

Fast Company Archives - free past issue searchable article directory from one of the nations top business magazines.

Linking Matters Report - Ken McGaffin offers a straightforward guide to building a linking campaign on the web. This is a no BS guide to starting your linking program. It will introduce you to many of the tools, software, and resources needed to competitively link your website.

PageRank Citation Ranking - Bringing order to the web - original PageRank thesis paper.

PageRank Uncovered - indepenant review of the Google PageRank system.

Patterns in Unstructured Data - Middlebury University offers an explaination to latent semantic indexing and how it integrates into large scale hypertext search engines (as well as other fun applications).

Topic Distilation - article about the Teoma HITS system.

Unleashing the IdeaVirus - the #1 downloaded eBook ever. A book about the spread of ideas. Imagine that, Seth Godin knew what he was talking about. Currently one of my favorite people to read or listen to. He is always coming up with new ideas. Seth's Blog While I was visiting him at his office I picked up a free hard copy. Buy Unleashing the Ideavirus Hard Copy

Usability Guidelines - Research Based (by US gov) - I hate to link to any literature that I have not yet read, but based on the bibliography and feedback from others this sounds to be a rather impressive report.

Web Traffic Secrets for 2004 - Jaclyn Easton writes alternative ideas for getting web traffic.

The origins of my country.

US Declaration of Independence

The US Constitution

my current view of the FDA can be best described by the following Google Search: Prozac Profits & Politics I personally am responsible for no less than a couple of the top half dozen listing for that one!

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