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The Big Red Fez - Seth Godin
wrote his smallest book. It does not mean that it had no good
content, just that it simply and quickly proved its points.
I could have placed this under copywriting or usability, but
this book is just a quick mix of different good ideas for the
Buy The Big Red Fez: How To Make Any Web Site Better |
Blogging: Genius Strategies
for Instant Web Content - Biz Stone got into blogging when it
was still in its infancy. This book is designed to take person
of absolute internet ignorance and transform them into a savvy
blogger. If you have something to say, then blogs are certainly
a good way of doing it, in addition blog software does an amazing
job of content management. Buy
Blogging: Genius Strategies for Instant Web Content |
Emergence takes a look at the intelligence of bottom up systems and shows how cities, software, and human minds can learn from themselves...not through some top down comand and control system, but through the intelligent combination of many various unintelligent things. Buy Emergence: The Connected Lives of Ants, Brains, Cities, and Software |
Interface Culture
- Steven Johnson writes about how the interface was created
as an art form and how it will have amazing influences on our
culture far beyond the grasps of our comprehension. Eventually
similar concepts such as latent semantic indexing and viewports
will become standard in future interfaces. Buy
Interface Culture : How New Technology Transforms the Way We
Create and Communicate |
Step by Step guide to Creating and Promoting Your Ezine
- Karen Thackston gives tips on how to create and promote your
ezine or newsletter. I have not yet read this, but am planning
on it sometime in the next few months. |
Weaving the Web: The Original Design and Ultimate Destiny of the World Wide Web Tim Berners-Lee talks about how he created the web and ideas and implications of the effect of the web going forward. | |
The Weblog Handbook - Rebecca Blood answers many of the questions related to "Why should I blog?" If the above book is considered the how I would consider this the why of blogging. While it does not speak of how businesses can use blogs to the best of their abilities it does offer common sense practical tips on the edicate of blogs. In addition she writes much about how blogs can improve your personal life in various ways. Buy The Weblog Handbook: Practical Advice on Creating and Maintaining Your Blog |
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