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No B/S HotBot SEO Tips:
HotBot is a meta search engine which only displays the results from one major search engine at any given time. To rank well in HotBot you need to rank well in the search engines it uses. I view any traffic from HotBot as a bonus from ranking well in other engines, but I do not focus any energy toward ranking well in HotBot.
About HotBot
HotBot was launched on May 1996. Originally HotBot was its own searchable brand, searching the Inktomi database. Many of the geek crowd fell in love with it for its interesting look and colors, as well as great search results.
Due to no fault of its own HotBot was purchased by Lycos
who did little to nothing to maintain the search as a priority. The
HotBot product began to fade. Only recently did search become a priority.
The current format allowing four (now three) search
opinions from one site was an attempt to restore the fallen HotBot,
and debut in December of 2002.
HotBot is a user interface which allows users to search any of the following three search engines from a single interface. The HotBot interface is scaled down and basic, much like that of Google. Using HotBot you can search Google, Teoma or Inktomi (which is the default Hotbot search).
Many meta search engines combine search results. Hotbot does not do this, it simply lets you search any of the 3 search engines individually.
Try HotBot
Using a simple radio button click allows you to switch what search engine your queries go to. This allows a quick comparison of search engine operability and functionality. You can also use HotBot to quickly check how you list on some of the other major search engines just by clicking each of the respective radio buttons.
Since Hotbot has no search index of its own you can not submit to Hotbot. HotBot also offers a free search toolbar.
How to list in HotBot: free list in Inktomi, Google, & Teoma paid Google AdWords or Lycos Advertsing or Lycos Insite site submit (I do not recommend Lycos Insite site submit to most webmasters)
HotBot Powers
Currently HotBot is a search site which is powered by various other search engines
HotBot is Powered by
- default search setting
Google - search
Teoma - search option
Google Adwords
- primary ad provider
Advertising - backup ad provider
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