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WordTracker - keyword suggestonMeta Search Engines
What are Meta Search Engines?
Meta search engines are search engines which recompile search results collected from many other search engines and directories.
The basic idea (or value of) meta search engines is that "we go one step further by providing the most relevant searches overall" (not just from one search engine). One thing I do not like about many meta search engines is that they mix PPC ads right into the search results and frequently put heavy weight on the ads because they make money from them.
If you rank well in the major search engines, then you get this additional meta search engine traffic for free.
Some of the Popular Meta Search Engines
In alphabetical order...
- BlowSearch
- Copernick - meta search software you install, all others below are general meta search engines or meta search powered portals
- Dogpile
- Excite - portal powered by infospace technology
- Infospace - powers Excite, Meta Crawler, Web Crawler and many other meta search engines.
- ixquick
- Mamma
- Metacrawler
- Search.com
- Webcrawler
- whatUseek
Meta Search Engine Paid Inclusion Programs
I would not advise paying for inclusion into a meta search engine. If you do a good job of optimizing your site for the major search engines then you can pick up free meta search engine traffic.
Meta Search Engine PPC Advertising
Many of these meta search engines do offer paid listings in the form of cost per click advertising. Most of these same search engines mix in many PPC ads from other various places. You may be able to find some traffic from these ads, but I recommend starting your pay per click campaigns with the major PPC search engines first.
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