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Automated PPC Search Engine Bid Management Software

Why Use PPC Bid Management Software

When you sign up for 6 or 12 accounts it starts to become hard to track how much you have in each search engine, what words are producing results, what the right price is for these words. A couple companies have capitalized on this diversification by making automated bid managing tools.

Essentially these are matrices of bid price and search engine which display your bid prices and placement in each search engine. Some automated features come with these such as auto update bid , bid gap placement, bid gap squeeze ...

Good pay per click management software (such as Atlas OnePoint) also allows you to change the unit which you are bidding on. Instead of bidding at a certain cost per click it allows you to bid a certain amount per conversion and collects feedback in real time to automatically adjust your bids for you.

Actually even a few specific search engines are starting to offer similar quick tools. Atlas OnePoint (formerly GoToast) and BidRank are market leaders in the automatic price per click bidding software arena. If you are spending very little on ads, this software is by no means necessary. If you have a large, complex, and diverse marketing strategy you may find these bidding tools a key to your marketing doorway.

Atlas OnePoint offers free trials of their bidding tools. If you think your time is very valuable or your marketing is becoming too complex then a free trial certainly can not hurt you. Sign up for a no risk FREE 14 day trial of Atlas One Point price per click bid management.

BidRank also has a free trial. Try BidRank today

Atlas OnePoint Vs BidRank:

BidRank is a software suite where you pay a one time license fee for. If you intend on having a campaign which last a long period of time and have a limited budget (or low ad spend) BidRank will probably be the right solution for you. Since you only pay once for a licensing fee you save money over time. When using BidRank or other PPC bid management software that you host on your own computer you want to make sure you have a stable connection to the internet.

Atlas OnePoint is a more full featured software suite which is web based. It costs more, but it could save you more with its additional features. I recommend you try both free trials and decide what you want to use from there.

Some of the software providers listed below are a comprimise between the cost and services offered between the above products.

Overture approved bid management software providers:

See also

Want Free Keyword Research Software? if yes click here

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