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SEO Traps

Why People Use SEO Tricks

There are many people who are convinced that there are secrets to search engine marketing and that search engine marketing is all black magic. Out of incorrectly gained knowledge people do some things to try to get a leg up in search engine marketing.

SEO Trick / SEO Trap LifeCycle

If an SEO trick is extremely effective then many people will begin to use it. Search engine relevancy will suffer. This is the reason why most search engines die. To prevent themselves from becoming irrelevant search engines will combat the latest and greatest SEO tricks with a more advanced algorithm.

Short term there might be some extremely effective SEO techniques, but eventually they become less effective as search gets more and more advanced.

The Problems With SEO Tricks

Since the search engines are continuously improving their algorithms today's SEO tricks may not work well tomorrow. If you intend to use trick methods you will need to keep up with the latest search engine algorithms to prevent your site from being penalized.

Some search engines such as Yahoo! manually edit their search results. If you are in a field aggressive enough to need to use SEO tricks then you will most likely soon be turned in my a competitor if you start ranking well.

Most sites do not need to use SEO tricks to rank well.

Short List of Common Old SEO Tricks

Short List of Site Design / Page Design SEO Errors

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