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ABOVE the FOLD Vol. 1 issue 7.


tool of the week *** book of the week ***what would you like ***around the web: *** random funny


Tool of the Week: Directories - many of them provide high quality links for negligible cost. Some may require a reciprocal link, others have a small fee. Both GoGuides and Skaffe are going to be fighting hard for market share. I recommend taking advantage of both of their free submission options when they are available...or paying the $39.99 fee if you are in a rush.
GoGuides http://www.goguides.org
Skaffe http://www.skaffe.com


Book of the Week: The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell. If you read no other book I recommend, read this one. I just finished this and its my favorite book I have ever read. He uses crime, disease, smoking, suicide, sneakers, Sesame Street, and many other studies to show how simple small ideas can change marketing or society.



What Would You Like

This newsletter will only be good if I can offer what you are interested in. Please send your SEO questions or any ideas you have for things I should put in here.


Around the Web (news):

1.) First of all, for those of you who are not subscribed to the JimWorld Gazette, a couple days ago they offered another compelling theory about the recent Google algorithm change. John Cokos believes Google might be trying to separate itself from the PageRank patent.

2.) GoDaddy has been having trouble getting their websites indexed. If you have GoDaddy hosting ... it may be a problem.

3.) I released my first version of my SEO book and yesterday that site was already more popular than this one...with hundreds of pages less content...go figure
its going to be free until the end of the year... at which point I intend to make final tweaks, format it, and start selling it. Feedback is appreciated!

4.) Going with the weekly theme I wrote an article about directories.

5.) I tried out a couple of those directory software programs I looked at last week. I tend to be "less professional" and "more myself" than many "internet professionals." I crafted the first (that I know of) worst practice directory SEO guide on the internet.

Many times people talk about search engine ethics and use phrases such as "Black Hat SEO."

In all honesty when I was younger I made some of the stupid mistakes myself, this directory aims to show worst practice ideas. I certainly will not find all the scammers on the web, but I will list most of the general ideas.
Black Hat SEO http://www.blackhatseo.com

My outbound links use redirects so you do not have to worry about me parsing PageRank or link popularity to the sites listed within the Black Hat directory. If you ever get ripped off feel free to submit a site (of course its free!)

While the site is not high quality, its purpose is clear. Think of how it could help the internet become more functional. Think how much more credibility SEO could have as a whole if there was a definitive resource that wiped away the functionality of a large portion of the crooked businesses... The reviews from the forums ranged from

loved it http://www.searchguild.com/tpage5447-0.html

to mixed reviews

to its so bad I must delete this post http://www.webmasterworld.com

Weather people like it or not, it has good intentions. It makes people laugh and talk, thus my name spreads. That is the whole point of marketing...get people to know something exists. The branding issue of that site is in my opinion rather swell as well. I am a horrible artist, and that ugly black hat is the best I could make:)

To be a success on the web you need to have the best content or the worst content. The best site or the worst site. If you can get people to talk about it (if you can get others to market with free word of mouth and free links) you are going to become successful.

As search engines get more advanced it will become increasingly important how others link to your site. While I am not risky enough to have my entire business model hinging on Black Hat SEO.com I think it is a fun compliment...let me know what you think. http://www.blackhatseo.com


Random happening of the Week - please laugh

I bought a harmonica...my roommates girlfriend loves it - not really :-)


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