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ABOVE the FOLD Vol. 2 issue 31.


tool of the week *** book of the week ***what would you like ***around the web: MSN Sneak Peak *** random funny


This newsletter is becoming more bi weekly or monthly than weekly. I like typing it up because it give me a chance to put into perspective / remind myself what I think is important; however, I do not have a particular business model for most issues of this newsletter though (because I kinda hate advertising <--- kinda weird for a marketer eh? ), so since I have been really busy its frequency has went down a bit.

Around the Web (news):

MSN gives us another peak at their search technology

Google Toolbar PageRank just updated for the first time in over 100 days.

New Blogs: SearchEngineWatch and ThreadWatch provide new search community driven blogs.

New SEO Forums: No less than 4 bogus SEO forums launched which are aimed at bashing both of my sites and the sites of about a dozen other SEOs. Oddly enough all 4 sites promote the services of 1P / Traffic Power. I have never came across any legit community driven site that promotes 1P / Traffic Power. If they cold call you (as they cold called me) do not buy. Give your money to a charity instead... at least you may feel better about yourself that way.

New Directories: a few new directories have hit the market.

Overture updated their search console and merged broad and phrase match into a single category called exact match.

New Search Engines: Bill Gross (who created Overture) brought back the SNAP name with a new search engine. It allows some unique sorting features and is built around the concept of transparency.

Vivisimo launches new meta search engine

Kanoodle & FindWhat both join contextual ad party

Yahoo! and Ask Jeeves join personalized search party

Yahoo! local search comes out of beta.

Alexa offers developers access to its database.


Tool(s) of the Week: Adword Tracker is a new competitive research analysis tool for Google AdWords. They said they are trying to work with Google to get a license for their tool. They also stated that they will not be charging for access until they do get a licence (which I do not see happening anytime soon - if ever).

They are only pinging Google from a US IP, but it is an interesting tool at its current price of free.



Book of the Week:

Small Pieces Loosely Joined - David Weinberger (author of the JOHO blog and co author of Cluetrain) looks at the cultural effects the web. http://www.smallpieces.com/

to win a free copy of Small Pieces email me with "Small Pieces" as the subject. First person wins :)

Surveying the Digital Future...I have not yet read it, but it is free and it looks cool.

Last weeks (more like months) winner (of The Revolution Will Not be Televised) ...I remember what country you are from but accidentally deleted the email. could you please send it to me again.

Shilling my own ebook ;-) I am going to raise the price the price of my ebook to $79 at the end of next week. If you would like to get a copy before then at its current price it is still only $39.99 and is available for your immediate download at http://www.seobook.com . Also I can give away a free one to whoever is the first person to email me with "free seo book" as the subject line.


What Would You Like

This newsletter will only be good if I can offer what you are interested in. Please send your SEO questions or any ideas you have for things I should put in here.

Random happening of the Week:

Fun new SEMPO-Tahoe site.

If your bored: here is a fun new web game.

How to: post in forums (funny)


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Today is 02/28/25 . This file was last modified on 05/11/13