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ABOVE the FOLD Vol. 2 issue 22.


tool of the week *** book of the week ***what would you like ***around the web: Ask Jeeves shopping (not at Froogle though)*** random funny



I got 1 free Gmail account left for the first person who replies with "free Gmail" in the subject line. please give your first and last name in the email too :)
please send the email to aaron@search-marketing.info

Around the Web (news):

Featured Article: Interview of Bruce Stone of Wow Directory
Recently I interviewed Bruce Stone of Wow Directory to ask him when he got the idea behind Wow and what he intends to do with the directory. One of my favorite articles I have wrote, but Bruce did all the work...thanks Bruce!

Also, submit your site to the Wow Directory for free!

Article: Why Use a Niche Site?
Learn some of the ideas why focusing your business often makes much more sense than broadening your business.


MSN to come out by the end of the Year:
"Our intention is to allow folks to search on this engine by the end of the year. "

PageRank scam: some people 301 redirect their sites to a popular site and then after the visual PageRank updates they throw a site on it and try to sell links...scummy move!

Ask Jeeves filed a $400 million dollar shelf registration, acquired a desktop search company, and is to add a preview function to their search results page. Links to all 3 documents:

Google is making a push to improve the relevancy and distribution of Froogle. they advertised Froogle ads in their AdWords recently
(which caused a big controversy)

& have added eBay stores to Froogle.


Tool(s) of the Week: Errr...I don't think there were any good tools this week.

I did take the PPC chapter of my SEO book and give it away free though. Not sure if I want to do this long term as it can give me more stuff to need to update, but I just revised it and you can download your free copy here:
(requires the Adobe PDF reader to view) you can download that by following this link


Book of the Week: Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind - Jack Trout and Al Ries offer tips on "how to be seen and heard in the overcrowded marketplace." It does a good job of explaining why some things work and others just never will. Some of the important issues discussed in the book are: viewing your products through they eyes of the consumer, the value of a name, how line extension effectively kills off branding, and many others. I take the words of anyone who can boost the year over year earnings of a bank by 26% in a category as stagnant as banking as nothing but pure marketing gospel. Almost good enough to make me religious...


What Would You Like

This newsletter will only be good if I can offer what you are interested in. Please send your SEO questions or any ideas you have for things I should put in here.


Random happening of the Week: I experienced my first tartwich. A tartwich is when you put peanut butter between two pop tarts and make a sandwich out of it.

Also, has anyone else noticed it is monsoon season? It has been raining every day :(


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