"I was thinking about you all day today and what a great
person you are."
"I wanted to be #1...After 2 months I reached the top position for my most
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PPC Information
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Use these Free PPC CouponsSEO Tools
WordTracker - keyword suggestonPPC Search Engine Toolbox
In the information age you can never know too much. The biggest problem is knowing enough without wasting time finding misinformation. For that reason here is the Pay Per Click SEO Toolbox. Below there are links which are helpful to managing Pay Per Click Accounts.
Free Pay Per Click Search Engine Secrets Report
I created a free PPC secrets ebook because I did not think there was an adequate good and free guide to PPC available on the web. There is no hard sales pitch, just good free info. It is a PDF so you need the Adobe Reader to view it. It is about 20 pages. Download your free copy today.
Sign Up for PPC Search Engine Accounts
- Google AdWords search listings ($5 minimum .05 ppc) highly recommended
- Overture search engine ($50 minimum .10 ppc $20/month minimum our link has a free $10 bonus) highly recommended
- MSN AdCenter - they are rolling out their system this year.
I generally recommend only using the major PPC providers off the start. As you get to using smaller providers the percent of questionable traffic increases. Time spent managing smaller campaigns could likely be better spent making your campaigns at the major engines better.
Smaller PPC Engines:
- FindWhat search engine ($25 minimum .05 ppc)
- Espotting search engine (European based, £ 110 minimum £ .10 ppc)
- Kanoodle search engine ($5 in free clicks .05 ppc)
- Enhance Interactive search engine ($10 in free clicks .03 ppc)
- Search123 search engine ($25 minimum .01 ppc)
- LookSmart directory ($29 setup fee .15ppc for first 5000 monthly clicks. I do not recommend LookSmart based on horror stories about bad customer service)
PPC search engine tips & reports
Free Google AdWords Tips (free)
- Pay Per Click Search Engine Tips (free)
- Andrew Goodman's Google AdWords Report ($69) highly recommended
PPC Search Engine Automatic Bid Management Software
- Atlas OnePoint (formerly GoToast) (14 day free trial, sliding price scale thereafter)
- BidRank (free trial, starts @ $130)
- KeywordMax
- More info on PPC Bid Management Software
PPC Search Engine Tracking Software & Log File Analyzers
- ConversionRuler ($20/month, free trial)
- Clicktrax ($50/month, free 30 day trial)
- IndexTools
- Google Analytics - some people do not like to share their conversion data with their traffic sources, but their analytics are useful and free.
PPC Search Engine Keyword Suggestion Tools
- Google Keyword Tool - shows 12 month trending data. Can automate keyword suggestions based on URL or keywords you enter.
- SEO Book Keyword Research Tool - based on the Overture keyword suggestion tool, this tool enables you to cross reference that tool with many other useful keyword research tools.
- Digital Point - free (combines Overture + WordTracker)
- Overture Keyword Suggestion Tool - free
- Google AdWords Keyword Sandbox - suggests related terms without showing search volume - free
- Google Search Suggestion - suggests searches (or keywords) ordered by search frequency - free
- WordTracker - keyword generator (various prices)
Other Keyword Tools
View Bids
- Overture View Bid Tool - free
- Keyword Price Comparison (works on many small engines)
Expand / Formatting Your Keyword List
- keyword permutation genertor - free tool for making keyword lists
- misspelled keywords generator - helps you target misspelled terms
- Google dynamic keyword insertion - inserts search queries in your ad copy to make the ad bolded
PPC Fraud Detection / Prevention
- VeriClix - free
- Click Auditor - tool provided by KeywordMAX starting at $20 / month
- WhosClickingWho - tool created by John Carreras and Bruce Clay which starts out at about $30 / month or $300 / year.
- More info on PPC Fraud Prevention Software
Pay Per Click Competitive Analysis Software
Software tracks the average position and frequency of ad display on Google AdWords by randomly pinging Google. Please note that I do not believe either of these companies have a partnership with Google and if Google detects their ping patterns Google may intentionally offer bad data.
- Ad Archiver - cheap, but not feature rich.
- AdGooroo - more expensive, but shows the data in graphical format.
More PPC Information
go to my general PPC search engine section and explore any of the engines further, or feel free to ask me
Want Free Keyword Research Software? if yes click here
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