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About Kanoodle

Kanoodle is a mid sized pay per click provider. Unlike many other tier 2 providers which have withered away and been chuck full of click fraud Kanoodle decided to move away from search and brand themselves as a contextual play.

They have many major distribution partners in the financial vertical, but in small verticals they may not be able to push much traffic.

Sprinks & Kanoodle Contextual Advertising

Kanoodle recently created the Kanoodle Context program to allow contextual based ads on third party sites.

After Google bought out Sprinks, a few Sprinks executives were no longer necessary. In what will probably be a costly mistake these stray executives were left to the open market.

Kanoodle hired three of these executives, received VC funding, and introduced a few new tools. Overnight Kanoodle may become a big player in the PPC field.

"The two new tools are Kanoodle Context and Kanoodle Autoscheduler. Kanoodle Context is a content matching ad system similar to Google AdSense. Autoscheduler will automate the process of disabling accounts during periods of time which the ROI would not be sufficient to justify running the account. "The product, AutoScheduler, is offered by Kanoodle.com at no additional cost to advertisers. It saves money, the company says, because advertisers aren't charged for the periods when their keywords are inactive." - InternetNews.com

Kanoodle has signed on many big sites for their contextual advertising program. CBS MarketWatch was the first big site to sign on.

Kanoodle Tools

Tool compares prices at many of the small to medium sized pay per click search engines.


Try Kanoodle


If you span across multiple price per click search engines it is a good idea to track the investments you have made to see which engines are investments, and which are just money spent.

Kanoodle Details

minimum CPC
cost to open an account
promotional specials
monthly minimum
time to set up an account
web reach
sign up for a Kanoodle account  

Suggestion for Kanoodle

Kanoodle has a healthy distribution network. While I would still recommend Google AdWords or Overture over them for regular pay per click, but you may want to consider opening a Kanoodle account if you are looking for additional contextual ad distribution, especially if you run a finance related website. $5 free - sign up for a Kanoodle account


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Filepath: http://www.search-marketing.info /search-engines/price-per-click/kanoodle.htm
Today is 03/26/25 . This file was last modified on 05/11/13