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Where to Report Spam

Usually I think reporting spam to search engines is a waste of time, but if you want to...

Google - about Google - currently viewed as the top search engine which directly or indirectly powers around 80% of web search. Report a spam to Google (also you can report copyright infringement)

Google tries to rid their index of spam via automated algorithms. When you report spam to Google they likely will not do anything about it, other than use your information to enhance future spam algorithms.

AllTheWeb - about AllTheWeb - was one of Google's top competitors, but was purchased by Overture, who was later purchased by Yahoo!. The Yahoo! Search index powers AllTheWeb. Report spam to Yahoo! or view the Yahoo! spam policy.

AltaVista - about AltaVista - one of the old horses in the search industry. AltaVista responded quicker and more personally than any of the other major search engines when it comes to reporting spam, but Overture purchased Altavista and was then purchased by Yahoo!. The Yahoo! Search index powers AltaVista. Report spam to Yahoo! or view the Yahoo! spam policy.

Aol - about Aol - powered by Google. (see Google listing above)

Ask Jeeves / Teoma - about Ask Jeeves - natural query based search engine with about 10% web reach. Ask has a smaller index than most major search engines, but it is typically fresher. Report a spam to Ask Jeeves.

Earthlink - about Earthlink - powered by Google.(see Google listing above)

Excite - about Excite - meta search, but also lists its own sites. Report a spam to Excite.

Go - about Go - Disney portal powered by Google. (see Google listing above)

Hotbot - about Hotbot - see associated engine (Inktomi, Ask Jeeves, Google)

InfoSpace - about InfoSpace - meta search, report spam to associated search engine. you can also report spam to Excite (which uses InfoSpace)

Inktomi - about Inktomi - search engine database used by a variety of portals and search engines. Inktomi was purchased by Yahoo!. Yahoo! renamed the Inktomi Slurp spider to Yahoo! Slurp and is powering its search indexes via Yahoo! Search. Report spam to Yahoo! or view the Yahoo! spam policy.

IWon - about IWon - powered by Google. (see Google listing above)

Lycos - about Lycos - another one of the old horses, most of the Lycos listings come from AllTheWeb, which is owned by Yahoo!. Report spam to Yahoo! or view the Yahoo! spam policy.

MSN - about MSN - Microsoft portal MSN DCMA

Netscape - about Netscape - lets you search a variety of search engines, report spam to the respective engine. The default setting is Google. (see Google listing above)

Teoma - about Teoma - natural query based search which powers Ask Jeeves. Report a spam to Teoma.

Wise Nut - about Wise Nut - Looksmart owned search engine which is currently being revamped. Report a spam to Wisenut.

Yahoo! Search - about Yahoo! Search - Yahoo! Search is a culmination of the technologies offered by AllTheWeb, Inktomi, and AltaVista. The Yahoo! Search database powers all of these search engines and the Yahoo! Search product. The Yahoo! Directory has its own separate spam reporting page below. Report spam to Yahoo! or view the Yahoo! spam policy. Additionally here is the Yahoo! copyright policy.

Yahoo! uses human editors to ensure the quality of their search results. If you report spam to Yahoo! they may delist the site.

Directory Spam: (typically switching the web site via a redirect or placing a totally alternate site where a good site once was)

directory spam

DMOZ - about DMOZ - open directory, free to use and used by many sources. Very important directory. Report a spam directly to that category editor or report spam to DMOZ. DMOZ has also recently added a regulating backup to their directory. When you tell the DMOZ editor for that category you are given the option to carbon copy the email to the DMOZ team.

Yahoo - about Yahoo - the portal directory for Yahoo is viewed as one of the two most important directories on the web. Report a spam to Yahoo.

Looksmart - about Looksmart - directory & ppc used by many smaller search engines and portals. Report a spam to Looksmart.

Most other directories do not have as much spam since they do not draw as much traffic and are not so widely used. Smaller directories are also easier to keep clean of spam. Here is a list of some of the other directories on the web.

For email spam: just filter it... you can also report it to their server or isp

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Today is 03/26/25 . This file was last modified on 05/11/13